While watching it I did think that the workshop section would

How is it that adjunct and contingent faculty, who do the lion’s (lioness’s, really the adcon ranks are tilted female) share of the teaching at the nation’s community colleges, are not explicitly and respectfully included in this summit? It’s like discussing mine safety only with the owners of the mine: we know how that sort of thing works out. Why were national organizations dildos, such as New Faculty Majority: The Coalition for Adjunct and Contingent Faculty not consulted? This is a very odd way to hold an important summit on education, to leave out the instructors who do most of the teaching and who do so for about 1/3 the wages of a dwindling and overburdened “regular” faculty, and do so for the most part with no benefits and no job security. It’s a peculiar ad for the economic importance of education, and cannot in its present form help our students who are looking for the colleges to do so much.

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